Lemon Lime Cake Smash and Splash
Lemon and limes make a great summertime cake smash theme! While I have done many lemonade sets in the past, bringing in the lime touches made the set a little more unique. And since little Emmaline goes by the nickname “Lemonlime” it just had to be done!

Lemons props are pretty easy to come by, but limes aren’t quite as common. I came across a great set that included slices limes and fake ice cubes which gave a great contrast to the whole lemons.

I often use real fruits in set but something as acid as a lemon gave me pause so we went all faux for this set up in case they went into the mouth – and they did!

There are so many cute lemon birthday banners available, but not lime so I brought in greenery and white flowers to complete the lemon lime look. Mom and Dad had her in a custom green and yellow tutu with a big yellow bow.

This girl loved her cake! I warn parents in advance not to be surprised or disappointed if their baby isn’t a fan of the cake – most aren’t – but that won’t mean the photos aren’t great. But in this case she went to town with no prompting from us.

Even the toes made it into the cake so a bath was in order. This rustic tub is a planter I bought locally and I didn’t think to check to see if it was waterproof before it’s first shoot…it was not. After a big mess in studio I sprayed liberally with FlexSeal and solved that problem!

I love getting to play with new theme ideas. Lemonade shoots are popular summer themes as well, I will share some more recent cake smashes with you soon!