Summer Lovin! | Raleigh – Durham Summer Portraits

The website has been abandoned! I love summer and all it has to offer but that makes sitting inside any longer than necessary really torturous to me – sorry social media but the pool, hiking, margaritas and working in the garden win every time. Of course, there is work to be done so here are the bullet points:

  • The availability page has been updated (and new dates added so I have more flexibility) – hopefully I get to see all of you other summer lovin folks!
  • Remember the studio for all of you non summer lovin folks!
  • The last minis of the summer are scheduled on Friday, August 7 and 3 spots remain.
  • HEADSHOTS! We all look better in the summer, admit it! Headshot mini sessions are available in studio nearly every afternoon – be in touch for more details.
  • Lastly, here’s a taste of this summer so far – can’t wait to see you!

Raleigh Summer Family Portraits

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