Blog Carousel | I Love My Hometown, Raleigh NC
The Blog Carousel is a collection of photos take by professional photographers around the world on the same monthly theme. Every month different photographers participate and you can scroll through a “virtual art gallery” by following the links at the bottom of each post until you have scrolled through all the images. I was excited when I saw this month’s theme because it fits so nicely with a new project I am working on with local Blogger Raleigh What’s Up? (can’t announce it just yet) but then hit a harsh reality…it may be spring but spring has not arrived here quite yet.

This month’s theme is “My Hometown”. My adopted hometown is Raleigh, North Carolina and I love this beautiful city. But being entirely honest, winter is not when this city shines. I knew the spot I wanted to take the photo from. Up on a hill that overlooks the skyline of downtown Raleigh. Now Raleigh is not filled with high rises so this downtown many not seem impressive but hidden in there are amazing restaurants and shops, restored historic buildings, concerts at an intimate downtown amphitheater (see the shimmer wall in there Raleighites? Don’t miss Barenaked Ladies song dedicated to the Shimmer Wall folks) a fantastic Farmer’s Market and almost weekly festivals in the warm months. But, still, the winter (ahem, early spring) is not it’s most beautiful time. Raleigh is known as “The City of Oaks” and we are surrounded by trees and parks and trailways and GREEN everywhere. Well, when there is some green outside. It’s coming, I see hints of spring out there and I have faith that soon Raleigh will get all gussied up in it’s spring finest and we can all get back outside.
I don’t live downtown. I actually live about 8 miles from downtown Raleigh in NW Raleigh and it’s beautiful all on it’s own, don’t get me wrong – but “inside the beltline” is experiencing a revitalization that I am thrilled to be a part of. I am not from this city, I was actually born and raised in Atlanta, GA (well just outside Atlanta in Smyrna). I moved here in 1998 never planning to stay long term. And truthfully, it wasn’t love at first sight. It was more like, love after about a year. But Raleigh 15 years ago (WHOAH 15 YEARS?!) is nothing like it is today. I feel completely blessed to have stumbled into what would turn out to be such an amazing place to raise my family and build my business. Others have heard about just how great this town is since we keep ranking as a best place to live again and again and again and again and to that I say thanks…but we’re full! (We aren’t known for our large highways…) A few more years and I will have lived here longer than in Atlanta so I guess I can safely say this is my hometown.
So I don’t have much to show you for this post. I am, however, inspired. I do not often use my camera for anything more that work these days but that needs to change. I plan to photograph this town that I love and share it with you more often. That will probably be with my phone more often than not but that is ok too. And I plan to come back to this spot and shoot again so you can see the view with some green around it.
North Raleigh folks, get downtown! It’s not that far and parking is no longer an issue like it was in years past. Visit some of our favorites like Buku, Fox Liquor Bar, Moon & Lola, Deco, Logan’s – I could go on and on. Plan to come downtown on First Friday’s where the shops and galleries open their doors and spill into the street (kids are welcome!). Most importantly SUPPORT SMALL BUSINESSES wherever you are. Target and Applebees will be fine but they are just trying to get by. I love this town, and I am excited to see it grow.
Thanks for reading! Please continue your way through the Carousel and visit Michigan Child Photographer Dena Robles next. Looking forward to visiting her hometown!
I love how the iphone has a great camera! SO handy esp while driving! Love your post, I don’t know much about North Carolina other than a few clients and friends who are from there tell me they love it, so that’s definitely a great thing!
Now you have caught my interest to come see Raleigh. Especially if it gets voted best place to live!
I like how you captured your downtown while on the go with your phone!
Admittedly, I don’t know much about Raleigh, even after living only minutes away from there for a year. I wish I had seen more of it! (So jealous of your green grass and budding tress by the way!)
I have never been to Raleigh, but it is on my list – especially now that I have the scoop from you!
Very cool to read about how your hometown has evolved over the last decade or so. Our community has undergone a very similar change and its very exciting! I can’t wait to see more of you upcoming project too!
What a wonderful read! It is amazing how Raleigh has adjusted over the years.
Totally didn’t know about the bare naked ladies song!