
Spring Mini Session are Coming!

I had to change the date on the next day of minis because the weather has just not cooperated leaving April nearly booked entirely. So (this time I mean it) mini sessions are scheduled for April 23rd, 2013. Rain date of April 25th. Shoot me a note if you want to grab a slot! (Mini session details are located on this page)

spring mini sessions raleigh photographer


  1. can i only have 2 kids at the mini session? I have 3 kids who need their current pictures taken. Can I share another spot with someone else who only has one child? I can sign up for back to back time slots. one last question, where is the shoot? I would be interested in the earlier time slots.

    1. We can usually do three kids in a mini but the choices are somewhat limited with the total number of proofs shown (usually 10-12 in total). So if we do individuals of each plus a group shot you’re looking at 3 or so to each to choose from. These will be at a Raleigh park, still working out specifics!

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