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Gluten Free & Nutritious Oatmeal Raisin Almond Flour Cookies

I am a pretty good cook but baking was something I never really did, mostly because I didn’t want the temptation of eating baked goods later. But since the big changes in our diet over the last two years (first eating “clean” with no processed foods, then discovering my gluten allergy and in general what gluten does to many people) baked goods became a challenge I needed to tackle. Even organic kids snacks are usually loaded with sugar and really expensive. I would love to say my family was entirely sugar-free, we’re not there yet but we are getting closer.

Gluten Free & Nutritious Oatmeal Raisin Cookies with Almond Flour

If you’re new to clean eating you will find that these ingredients are pretty pricey at your grocery store. Places like Whole Foods have some of these items in bulk but I order from Vitacost or Amazon. I just ordered my weekly box with KIND Bars, coconut oil, flaxseed meal, supplements, etc. Highly recommended! Direct links to everything used in this recipe: Gluten Free OatsHoneyville Almond Flour, Himalayan Sea Salt, Baking Soda, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Flaxseed Meal, Raw Honey, Coconut Oil,

Disclaimer: I am not a professional baker. I may come back and tweak this later, I have a bad habit of never making a recipe the same way twice so we’ll just call it a work in progress. I won’t know the calorie count if you ask, probably won’t know the answer to most questions but I would love to hear from you anyway 🙂 Also, I may be a professional photographer but a food photographer I am not. Not even a little bit. Phew. Had to get that out there.

Best Cookies Ever Note

On to the recipe!

I have been working on a protein/vitamin packed cookie for the kids to pack in their lunch for a while now. Some hits, some horrible misses. This one was a hit, as proven by the note I found when the picky one (the one that these diet changes have been hardest on, the one that really really really just wants Oreos) got out of bed and swiped a warm one without my knowledge. He doesn’t know these are good for him. I don’t plan to tell him.


Gluten Free & Nutritious Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Recipe Type: Breakfast Cookie
Author: Season
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
I have been working on a protein/vitamin packed cookie for the kids to pack in their lunch for a while now. Some hits, some horrible misses. This one was a hit, as proven by the note I found when the picky one (the one that these diet changes have been hardest on, the one that really really really just wants Oreos) got out of bed and swiped a warm one without my knowledge. He doesn’t know these are good for him. I don’t plan to tell him.
  • 1 1/2 cups of gluten free oats
  • 1 1/2 cups of almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon (I use a Madagascar Vanilla & Saigon Cinnamon)
  • 2 tablespoons milled golden flaxseed
  • 1/2 cup of honey (or other natural liquid sweetener)
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil melted (could sub butter but we like the coconut oil results better)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla
  • 1 1/2 to 2 cups of raisins, a combo of dried fruits and nuts (the picky child does not like nuts) or chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Add the wet ingredients and blend well.
  4. Drop about a tablespoon of batter about 1 inch apart.
  5. Bake for 10 – 12 minutes, or until they are starting to brown around the edges (watch them, depending on your add ins the time may vary).
  6. They are pretty fragile when they first come out. Try to be more patient than I am and let them cool a little bit so they don’t break. I cook on parchment paper to aid in the removal process.

You could call this a breakfast cookie – I think it would be a respectable breakfast. And you can play around with ingredients, so far every variation has been good. But according to the picky child, “this one is the best, please don’t change it”. Please take a minute to rate this recipe if you have a second!


  1. These look sooo good! I’ve done the “unhealthy” version but I’m going to make these. Thanks for the recipe! Oh and I LOVE the note 🙂

  2. Season, I tried these this morning and they are SO GOOD! I used dried cranberries in place of the raisins and they were a total hit with the kids. I’m going to make another batch to send to school for snack time. Thanks for sharing!

  3. These are delicious! The whole family loved them. I’m so happy these came up in my google search for gluten free oatmeal cookies. This recipe is just what I was looking for because I use almond flour in my gluten free baking. Thank you for sharing!!!

    1. Thanks for your reply!! I had to make an extra batch this week for hubby to take on his trip. And shredded (unsweetened) coconut in there has been a hit too!

  4. Made these and added about 1/2 cup of organic dried coconut and they were amazing!!! Thanks so much for the recipe!

  5. These are just what I was looking for! I am giving up candy/chocolate/sugary sweets for a while, to see if I feel better. (I’m a bit of a sugar/chocolate addict!) I’ve never been willing to go without before, but I’m very curious to see what, if any, changes I will see in my body and my life. It’s been great (3 weeks today), but I need some healthy treats desperately! Since I also don’t tolerate gluten (as of the last year), these are perfect! I know I will love these, thank you!!! Your site is adorable! 🙂

  6. I have updated this post with the option to rate this recipe – I would love if you would give it a rating so others stopping by know it’s worth using ingredients on 😉

  7. Hands down some of the most delicious cookies I’ve ever made. Thank you for the recipe! I used maple syrup instead of honey and wow…what a great cookie 🙂

  8. hi, like many others, trying to make a difference in our lives. I do not have flax seed at this moment…. i really want to try these and don’t know how important the flax seed is to the cookie….. any thoughts??

  9. Also good with ghee (instead of coconut oil) and a nut/fruit combo of cashews and freeze-dried cherries. Oh, and grated nutmeg. Lots of grated nutmeg…

  10. I made them today for the second time in a week. Todays batch was much better then my first try at it. ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!! and I have never like oatmeal cookies. My husband loved them! THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST COOKIE I HAVE MADE SINCE experimenting with almond flour..!! A+++++ Everyone must try! Oh one more thing is I did NOT add the flaxseed.

  11. Season, would you happen to have a healthy choc chip cookie recipe and brownie recipe? All others I have tried are not very good. Please help a newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetic who is trying to learn how to bake low carb desserts. Thx

  12. Preferable Chewy on the choc chip cookies and moist on the brownie. I took the cookies I baked last night to work and my coworkers went crazy over them. Everyone asked for the recipe! Im so excited that Im praying you have other recipes that I can try.

  13. Best cookies I’ve tried in a while! I’ve been trying to eat healthier for a while, and these not only satisfy my sweet tooth, but they also keep me full. Definitely a bookmarked page. Please share more healthy desserts!

    1. I have never calculated it! It’s going to be pretty variable with the added ingredients changing but if someone wanted to work up the base cookie I would love to share it! (and when things calm down here with work I promise to do it myself otherwise).

  14. Season, these cookies are pretty amazing. I consider myself a horrible baker but man these were super easy and delicious! I went ahead and calculated the nutritional value for each cookie. I calculated it for 20 cookies which I would of made but I ended up eating one cookie worth of batter (yup, even the batter is scrumptious), so I ended up with 19.
    Cal per serving: 179 (darn almond meal &coconut oil)
    Fat: 12 grams (all good feed my brain to make me smarter and happier kind of fat)
    Carbs: 19.1 grams (geesh, the carbs win every time!)
    Protein 3.1 grams ( I was really hoping for more aminos)

    I followed the recipe to the ‘T’, except I added 3/4c of unsweetened carob chips and 1/4c apple juice infused cranberries)
    I’d have to eat five of these to fill me up for breakfast, so that’s not gonna happen but I would highly recommend these as a post workout snack! Thanks for posting

  15. Season, this was a great recipe. It was my first time baking cookies with almond flour and it was a hit. I added craisins and walnuts to the batch I made last night. My two year old has a horrible sweet tooth and I am happy he can have these instead of the alternative store bought cookies or the cookies I made over the holidays with tons of sugar and butter.

  16. Thank you so so much for this recipe. Its absolutely amazing. I found it when I googled almond flour oatmeal raisin cookies, and everyone in my family went crazy over these. I used butter in place of coconut oil and didn't have flax so added a bit more almond flour, and they are insanely delicious. Thank you so so much!!!

  17. Hands down best GF healthy oatmeal cookie recipe. First one ive tried that actually tastes like a cookie!!!

  18. These are the perfect cookies! Delicious and chewy and moist and crispy! And healthy and clean. Couldn’t get any better. Well done!

    I added some coconut flakes and Enjoy Life chocolate chips because, frankly, I need chocolate in my cookies. 🙂

  19. My 6 year old called these cookies “pretty amazing!” They were a hit and since oatmeal cookies are my favorite, I’m pretty excited to finally have a healthy substitute! Thanks so much!!

  20. I replaced 1/2 the fat with unsweetened applesauce, added 1/2 mashed banana, reduced honey to 1/4 cup…PERFECT! A combo of raisins and thin-sliced almonds was delicious! Thank you – my new go-to cookie recipe!

  21. These cookies are so delicious! I made these for two different dinner parties, and everyone couldn’t believe they were gluten free. 🙂

  22. I absolutely love this recipe…great breakfast all by themselves. I like to substitute a little coconut flour for almond flour, add a bit of almond extract, use raisins, shredded coconut and pecans

  23. I just made this cookie for three generations – husband, son and his wife, and grandchildren. All loved them. I didn’t have flax or honey so I skipped the flax and substituted maple syrup. I also used 1 cup raisins and 1 cup dark chocolate raisinettes which added a surprise of chocolate (and admittedly more calories). Great glutin free treat! And so easy. Thanks !

  24. I followed the recipe exactly except I swapped the coconut oil for olive oil. They were very soft….more like a mini cake than a biscuit but v moreish. This recipe yielded 15 large cookies. Thank you so much!

  25. Here’s a different response! I’m home sick and nothing sounds good. Made these wonderful cookies and they literally got me through the rough patch. THANK YOU!

  26. These were delicious as is (without flax). I also made them today without flax and raisins, and added a scant 1/4 cup of Chatfield’s cocoa powder. Amazing!

  27. Basically a granola cookie! I used sugar (organic, fair trade, cane sugar of course) instead of honey. Otherwise followed the recipe. They didn't hold together well when I placed them on the cookie sheet (parchment lined), and were very crumbly even after they cooled. Do they need more liquid? More coconut oil? My add-ins were chopped walnuts and raisins. Maybe chocolate chips would help them stay together? An additional egg? Hmmm. Suggestions?

  28. Love love love these cookies!
    I have made them twice and Season you are correct, great with shredded coconut,
    And the ability to play around with ingredients makes the recipe perfect! Thank you for sharing them.

  29. This is my go-to oatmeal raisin cookie recipe. I love love love these! They’re sooo good! Just baked a batch and the whole house smells incredible! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  30. I’ve been using this fabulous recipe for a couple of years now and just wanted to say thanks for sharing! I also modified it to make healthy lactation cookies by adding 2 tbsp of brewer’s yeast for any nursing mamas out there.

  31. Delicious! I made this recipe for my two toddler granddaughters. It was a total hit. I am very picky of what they eat and I was so happy to find this recipe. Thanks for the tips on where to find the ingredients in bulk. Muchas gracias.

  32. Just wanted you to know that after 6 months I am STILL baking these, whole family LOVES them – even the dogs if I don’t guard them well enough!

  33. easy and delicious cookies! I use a 1-Tbsp spring-release scooper to make them, it’s much easier than a spoon and they all come out the same size. Just flatten them a little.

  34. These cookies were so very delicious! I made them just like you said with honey and the coconut oil. Fit right into my plan for healthy eating and avoiding food allergies for my family! Thank you!

  35. Love these cookies. I was looking for a good glutin-free and found it here! Left out the flax on second go-round and liked texture better. Used organic maple syrup and golden raisins ( what was in the pantry!). Yum! Husband Loves them too!!! Thanks so much.

  36. Very tasty. My quick, put it together mode had me moving a bit faster and not thinking about it. Next time my plan is to add a couple Tbsp of almond milk to the milled flax seed first which tends the flax toward a binder and may improve the texture a little bit. Plus as others did, my plan is to go for maple syrup. Great recipe with many variations.

  37. Love, love, love these cookies!!!
    Finally a gluten-free oatmeal cookie that actually tastes like a cookie!!!
    Julian is correct!!! These are the best cookies ever!
    Only change I made was I used half coconut oil, and half butter, 3/4 cup golden raisins (because I was out of the usual fruit sweetened cranberries) and 3/4 cup chopped walnuts.
    Delicious! Thanks for sharing this recipe, Season!

  38. These are amazing! Thank you for making a healthy cookie that does not feel like a sacrifice. My son tried it and his eyes lit up!

  39. My 7 yr old son and his friends love these cookies, and I have shared the recipe many times with other parents looking for a healthy alternative cookie. I like to sub 2 Tbsp sesame tahini or almond butter for coconut oil. Yum!

  40. These were so good! I used 1-1/2 C of the baking mix recipe from the Wheat Belly Total Health which has a some almond flour, coconut flour and the golden flaxseed meal and soda. One would never know these are gluten free!! So happy I found your recipe.

  41. Thanks so much for this recipe!  Made just now- subbed 1/2 the honey for stevia, but added way too much.  Next time will scale back.  Otherwise loved the recipe!  Added nutmeg and a dash of xantham gum, also didn’t have any flaxseed.  Can’t wait to try again!

  42. I will definitelyvtry these! This is just the recipe I was looking for and hoping I’d find. Got this one saved! Thank you

  43. These are amazing.   Tweaked them a little for my own preferences….never thought they would turn out so well!!!  Keep baking and posting!

  44. Oh my, these really are the best cookies ever!  I had all but stopped making cookies, since I don’t enjoy the sickening sweetness of most recipes. These cookies taste like . . . FOOD! I opted for chocolate chips (60% cacao) over raisins and omitted the cinnamon.  After breaking a few of the delicate cookies trying to lift them from my parchment lined pans, I tried setting the pans on racks until the cookies were completely cooled.  The cookies did not stick to the parchment and set up nice and firm. The flavor of the chocolate chips stands out in a way I’ve not experienced before.  And the flavor REALLY improves a few hours after they are baked.  Unbelievable.  I will be sharing this recipe with everyone I know.  Thank you, Season!  

  45. I forgot to mention that the dough seemed very loose and liquid right after mixing.  I let the bowl of mixed dough stand on the counter about an hour before baking.  Most of the liquid was absorbed by the oats.

  46. These cookies are awesome! Thank you for the recipe, didn’t have the coconut oil, so I use olive oil…my family loved them!

  47. hi and this will be the second time making these cookies for my husband . To make a long story short he was diagnosed in January 2017with Myasthenia Gravis which is an autoimmune disease.  By God’s grace the second neuroligist we saw actually knew what the problem was and treated it correctly! Through research on our own about the disease we found that an auto-immune diet would be beneficial to his well-being. This began our journey of clean eating and gluten sugar free and just an overall diet change.  So since we grew up on pan de dulce &coffee I began my journey with almond and coconut flour and swerve and agave and stevia etc etc.  It is more a joy to watch him eat something sweet and enjoy it. He is very disciplined and really wont eat anything that isn’t “healthy”. So he sacrifices alot for his and our family. All our children ar grown and they have their own families of which we have 7 amazing grandkids (no bias here lol)  Thus in the search I came across your site and your recipe for oatmeal cookies. This new season for us has come with a bit of traveling and these are now the go to snack!!!!!!  He even saved two of them for when we got home from our last trip.  Thank you immersureabley for all your hard work which makes mine much easier!!!

  48. hi and this will be the second time making these cookies for my husband . To make a long story short he was diagnosed in January 2017with Myasthenia Gravis which is an autoimmune disease.  By God’s grace the second neuroligist we saw actually knew what the problem was and treated it correctly! Through research on our own about the disease we found that an auto-immune diet would be beneficial to his well-being. This began our journey of clean eating and gluten sugar free and just an overall diet change.  So since we grew up on pan de dulce &coffee I began my journey with almond and coconut flour and swerve and agave and stevia etc etc.  It is more a joy to watch him eat something sweet and enjoy it. He is very disciplined and really wont eat anything that isn’t “healthy”. So he sacrifices alot for his and our family. All our children ar grown and they have their own families of which we have 7 amazing grandkids (no bias here lol)  Thus in the search I came across your site and your recipe for oatmeal cookies. This new season for us has come with a bit of traveling and these are now the go to snack!!!!!!  He even saved two of them for when we got home from our last trip.  Thank you immensely for all your hard work which makes mine much easier!!!

    1. Dolores what a sweet comment – I am so glad you enjoy and good for him for making these changes! We all know plenty of adults that should but don’t – it’s not always easy. I wish you many more happy years together!

  49. Best almond flour oatmeal raisin cookies ever!! Tried many, and this is the best! Subbed maple syrup for honey and added unsweetened coconut, yum,yum

  50. Delicious…..even better when they are cold. I had to try one warm and they were really good but when the cool they are nice and chewy!!

  51. This was the best carb free cookie I’ve ever tasted!! You nailed it! The only thing I did was to use 1/4 c apple sauce…still used 1/4 c coconut oil also, however! 1c raisins and nuts seemed to be enough for my taste! But so yummy!!!! 

  52. This recipe is so easy and so delicious!  I used raisin and chocochip with chia seed.  So good!  But it doesn’t show the detailed nutrition. I am tracking my daily calories.  If you can provide, I will be nice.

  53. These cookies are the best GF I’ve ever made. Thank you for experimenting until they were perfect. I appreciate it!

  54. Seriously the best almond flour oatmeal raisin cookies EVER! Hands down!!! I make these all of the time. I actually let them sit in the refrigerator over night and they come out almost exactly the same as a regular oatmeal raising cookies. Night and puffy and hold together like a champ! Thank you so much for this recipe! 

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