Portrait Referral Program

picSince starting this business in 2005 I have been blessed to stay very busy on just word of mouth alone. This means the world to me because telling your best friends and coworkers about my work is the highest compliment I can ever receive. It also means that new clients know my work and we are a good fit.

I had a referral program in the past but it became tricky to keep up with so I decided to simplify the process starting this month:

Refer three new clients and receive a complimentary session.

Can’t get any simpler than that. There is no expiration so these three referrals can take place over a month or a year. Be sure to tell your friends to let me know who sent them in their new client form and when they complete their full session I will add it to your tally (I will do my best to keep track of your referrals but feel free to let me know if you are due for your free session!). I mean really if you’re referring people to me it probably mean I really love you and want to see you again anyway!

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