Sneak Peek! | Chapel Hill, NC Baby Photos
I have alot of tricks up my sleeve to get a newborn to sleep. I have perfected them over the years (meaning: when mine were babies they never ever slept ever) and they work a good 99.9% of the time. Then, I meet the .1% and they want to PAR-TAY. This little guy was a perfect example – he gave me a little freebie micro nap when we first got started and I just trucked along thinking my magic was working. But…he woke up. And not only did he wake up he decided right then and there where he wanted to be and that was with the Mom and the milk, not with the Season and the beanbag. We kept at it until he finally won the battle BUT I do think we prevailed in the end…cause look at this little guy!
that first pic is great…. such a concerned look