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Hello 2011!

Another year has passed and I wonder how many times I will write 2010 on checks by mistake.  It just doesn’t seem like we spent enough time in 2010 to get tired of it!  Closing up a decade that was pretty huge for us – going from newlyweds in 99 to parents (and all that comes with it) and of course starting this business in 2005.  Hard to believe I am beginning my 7th year and I have seen some families every year since I started.  What an honor to watch all of these children grow up!  I photographed more kids in 2010 than ever before – by far.  Thank you so much for your support!

The blog fell by the wayside in the holiday madness but we wrapped the year on such a high note.  The busiest fall on record and the prettiest weather I remember ever having in a fall to make it possible to get everyone in.  I can not wait to see what 2011 has to offer and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

I am going to share a few past sessions that didn’t make it to the blog along with new winter sessions as well.  And with all this promise of snow in our future…don’t be afraid to ask for a snow session.  If I can get there, we can shoot!






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