
New Mini Session Date Added | Raleigh Christmas Photos

The September 16th mini sessions filled (over filled, actually!) very quickly so I have added another day of minis on September 23rd with a rain date of  September 30th.  Mini session details can be see on this page.  The sessions will take place back to back at a Raleigh park.  I have 10, 10:30, and 11 slots remaining at this time so please let me know asap if you would like to grab a slot!

These will likely be the last public mini sessions of the year.  As of right now October is nearly booked and September and November are getting full so please be in touch soon if you would like a session before the the holiday deadline.   If we have chatted but not confirmed a date send me a note to confirm – I am giving away open dates as people contact me so that date may not be open for you later.  This fall has filled up much more quickly than I had planned, and that is with additional dates added – very exciting!

The final open dates *as of right* now are:

September 15th, 21st, 23rd Mini Session slots, 29th

October 14th, 20th

November 2nd, 4th, 8th

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