
Sneak Peek! | Raleigh, NC Baby Portraits

Oh another sweet redhead to share, and you know how much I love redheads!  Completely full of life and spirit this little one was a firecracker.  She would run straight to the mud every chance she got (check out the dirty fingernails in the second shot – love it!) and had zero interest in my games.  That ok though, we got more than enough of her just being her!






  1. The lighting is the 100% most important thing to me (and I won’t shoot if I don’t like the light, even if it’s a totally cute moment – I think sometimes my clients think I’m nuts for “missing” a moment) and in this case her eyes were just filled with light (both from the sky in front and bouncing from a white building behind me). I don’t do any specific editing to the eyes, she’s just got very bright, colorful, gorgeous eyes!

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