
Sneak Peek! | Raleigh Newborn Photographer

This was the newborn session that almost wasn’t meant to be!  We were in a rush because this little doll was already past the two week window that I try and work in for newborns and we made it happen, although it felt like everything was trying to get in our way.  In the end though it was so worth it, and even though she was wide awake most of the time I was with her (and starving!) we ended up with so many gorgeous shots.  I know it was crazy mom and dad, but hopefully well worth the crazy!







  1. What a beautiful gift from the Lord! I love her and her sweet mama! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. Oh Sherry, She takes my breath away! I am so happy for you and your family! We love you!

  3. Hi Guys….she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing! Hope you are hangin in there with the whole ‘baby process’!!! Take care! Patti & Dan & Austin & Cody & Lauren

  4. She is precious! What fantastic photos!! So great to see you both enjoying that beautiful little girl. Thanks for sharing!! Jill

  5. She is beautiful! Wonderful pictures ~ Thanks so much for sharing! She has some pretty dark curls….I can’t wait to meet your little princess. Love y’all!

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