Welcome 2010!

My oh my it has been a while since I was last here.  We moved into our new house at Thanksgiving and then began a whirlwind of unpacking, decorating, hosting friends and family, unpacking some more, getting holiday orders out, playing with my kids (who were tracked out from Thanksgiving to New Years), yet more unpacking, creating holidays cards (for clients of course, mine didn’t make the priority list this year!), some more unpacking…  All in all it was the most exhausting yet restful holidays I think we have ever had.  We usually fell into bed exhausted at the end of the day but having the opportunity to spend time with my family after a very (VERY) busy holiday season was just what we all needed.  And for the record I hope we never, ever, ever move again – oy!

So, here we are in 2010.  2010!  I spent 2005 building my portfolio and working behind the scenes to launch Season Moore Photography and now 5 years later I can not believe where it’s taken me.  Truly, there is no place I would rather be in my professional life and I can not thank you all enough.  Working on some big plans for the year that I can’t wait to share (!!) and in the meantime as we start a new year I thought I would share the new faces of 2009.  I love my newborn clients so much, I know you will too!

Watch the Sweetest Blessings of 2009 Slideshow

Thank you so much for a fantastic 2009. Keep an eye on the blog for some big things soon!


  1. Glad you took some time off to enjoy the Holidays and get settled in your new house. I’m looking forward to seeing how 2010 goes for you!!

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