Business Spotlight | Parties by Bash

Name: Courtney Scholl

A little about your business: I am a special event planner specializing in children’s parties, baby showers. I think every birthday is special and deserves to be celebrated in style!

A little about you and your family: I was born in Raleigh and currently live in Holly Springs with my husband and 3 children- Tatum (10) Macon (7) Reagan (1).

How did you get started? I was working outside the home when my two older children were 1 and 3. I was always exhausted and trying to balance everything. I tried several other in-home jobs and after planning my daughters 4th birthday the rest just fell into place. I absolutely think special event planning fits me perfectly. I love the creativity it takes to put an event together. It gives me an incredible sense of accomplishment to see an event come together.

How would you describe yourself? Outgoing, friendly, compassionate

Some of your favorite things: Nicholas Sparks books & bubble bath,,,,

Any secrets for managing life as a Mom and business owner?
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Everything is not always going to go exactly as you plan. Sometimes it does, but not as often as you hope. You can’t get worked up or nothing will get accomplished, sit back, look at the situation and make a new plan, it might be better than the original! Include your kids if you can. My older daughter loves to help me with invitations and making décor – it makes great mother-daughter quality time!

Where can we find your business?

Any specials or promotions for Season Moore Photography blog readers?
$150 off package price.

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