
Sneak Peek! | Raleigh Baby Portraits

One more sneak peek before I take a little time off to spend with my kiddos as they track out.  My family has seen too much of my back as I work furiously at the computer so I look forward to spending some time face to face with all three of them 😉 I will check email when I can, and be back in the office full time September 21st ready to tackle the fall rush.  Speaking of fall rush – September is booked and October/November are limited.  Please contact me as soon as you can if you want to get in on a fall session!

Now onto a sweet boy that gave me lots of big gummy smiles.  I had such a great time with him and his Mommy and even got to sneak in a feed and a cuddle.  Thank you so much for sharing him with me!






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