What to Wear Wednesdays | On a Saturday…

Yes I do realize it’s not a Wednesday but in moving land who knows what day it is – it’s all a blur!  Of course my internet was cut off too early and is not yet connected (with no end in site) so this is being uploaded from a cafe as I sneak in a small amount of email time.  We are settled into our cosy rental home (settled may not be accurate, we’re THERE and so is all of our stuff – IN BOXES!) and trying to find some normalcy.  I am doing my best to keep with with emails via blackberry, hopefully I will be working at 100% very soon.  I under estimated just how much work this would be!  I very much appreciate everyone’s patience.

So this week’s outfit is done via laptop very quickly so it may not be my best work, but I am just loving orange so find a way to incorperate it!  These outfits are all available on gap.com.


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