
Sneak Peek | Sweet North Raleigh Newborn

Another girl!  Two in a row after a long, long streak of only boy newborn sessions.  It was fun to dig out my pink blankets for a change!  She could not have been more of an angel for us.  Conked out within minutes of my arrival and stayed that way (as long as we kept the room warm and the noise level high!).  The only downside to sessions like this is that I have a hard time stopping – I could shoot all day long!







  1. Oh I love the one of mom and baby, I wish I had shots that like after my sons were born! I didn’t look that good though!

  2. These are absolutely beautiful! I love the picture of her in the basket! Juliet is so precious!

  3. Wow Season! These are stunning images! I love the first one with that fuzzy blanket. This baby girl is precious. Those lips!

  4. Awesome pix! Loved the one with Juliet in the basket. The photography is wonderful! Love to all.

  5. Love the pic! Lindz, you look wonderful holding your sweet, beautiful baby girl. I love the one of you and Cory holding Juliet in your hands, she looks tini-tiny! Thanks for sharing these with us.

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