
Sneak Peek! – North Raleigh Baby Photography

9 days, 15 hours and 13 minutes until Christmas folks.  Yeah, 9 days!!  Phew, we are off to the races and every year I say it but this year it seem more true than ever.  How are we almost at Christmas?!  The final orders are being wrapped up and most of my last projects have been completed and I even have my shopping almost done completed.  I may have lost sleep this season but we did it, and survived another holiday rush!  I am thankful for everyone that made my rush a rush – I wouldn’t have it any other way!

I have a peek of a post holiday session that I know Mom is waiting for.  It was a chilly day and this poor little guy turned out to have a double ear infection that day but despite it all, he was as cute as can be!


  1. Oh thank you. That’s my little boy Gabe 🙂 I can’t wait to get the proofs from Season. These 3 pictures are amazing, I don’t know how we’ll ever decide what we want!

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