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Sneak peek!

So before my peek I’ll update on the state of life here in Seasonland…it’s CRAZY!  Somehow August ended up being a much busier month than I anticipated.  No one to blame but myself and my overbooking (have I mentioned my problem saying no?) but it rolled into a September where my husband traveled, then I traveled for a funeral, and now WE travel (alone.  just us.  no, really.  can you believe it?)  Tomorrow we leave for Germany so I will be fairly UNplugged in without my computers or blackberry.  Emails will be returned when I am home again, and the sessions waiting to be proofed will go online after.  I wish I had been able to get more done this last week, but being with family at the time of loss was just too important to miss so that grace and patience I asked for a few post ago I still request!  Through some deep breathing exercises I will try and convince myself that it will be ok and my clients are awesome and loving and even a little forgiving – right?!  🙂

Availability: September is booked, and November is booked through my holiday deadline.  In October weekends are booked and remaining weekdays are: October 2, 7, 28, and 30th.  That’s it!  Oh my!

Ok, back to the sweet newborn goodness.  She is beautiful this one.  She was good to me too!

I will see you all when I return!


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